Page 163 - Then Came the Glory
P. 163

 A Report to Teklemariam
elders have gone to report you to the local Administration and Revolutionary guards. If you refuse to leave, we do not care what happens to you."
With great boldness, Hezkiel read to them Acts 5:27- 33 and 39-42 and declared, "Jesus Christ is the only God and Savior and we are witnesses for Him. We not only believe in Him, we have been baptized in His name for the remission of our sins according to Acts 2:38. The gospel the Apostles
preached has been revealed to us and we will baptize everyone who repents in the name of Jesus Christ. We cast out devils, cleanse the lepers, heal the sick, and raise the
dead in His name as He taught. We believe and witness before you the true gospel; we understand we should obey God rather than man. Be careful that you do not quarrel with the creator of heaven and earth.
"We are not afraid of your torture; we are ready to (lie for the name of Jesus and your p?rse^;ution is a sign to us of our salvation. Our persecutors oppose the true teaching of Jesus and they will perish. We fear nothing, for Jesus is with us. Nothing you can do will shock us or Stop US frOHl
preaching the true gospel. We will never retreat. We will continue to proclaim Jesus Christ is Lord and gives everyone
full and free salvation who will accept it."
The intruders backed away from the preacher's
fervor and left saying, "We will return." The conference continued two more days; no one came to hinder and the church in Gofa Sawla became firmly established. The fire of Apostolic faith now leaps from Province to district to every locality with power.

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