Page 162 - Then Came the Glory
P. 162

 Then Came the Glory
They found the brother's home without difficulty and a few minutes later, Brother Paulos and four of the baptismal candidates came. Brother Hezkiel baptized them that night. The next day they returned to Paulos's house for another service and baptized the other two, later returning to Arba Minch in peace.
Today, Brother Gebrehiwot leads a victorious church
in Sheila Mella where idolatry once prevailed.
Men with a burden for souls reached out to every
area. The witness of Aselle Abate resulted in three churches in the Konso section and God raised up pastors to shepherd the flocks. Pastor Dasmawi Kusiya, conscripted to the battle field, finally returned safely after six years.
The Dita Zara church began by Sister Almaz Dida
witnessing to her brother Abraham Dida when she came to
visit him from Addis. Abraham went to Arba Minch to learn
more; when he wanted to obey the Word, Brother Hezkiel
baptized him in Jesus name. Five months later. Brother Hezkiel came to visit Abraham and baptized sixteen souls,
ten of whom received die Holy Ghost. Today the church
grows under the leadership of Abraham Dida.
Hezkiel and Berhanu Wachmo traveled 235
kilometers to Gofa and found Abera Zuma, who had
separated himself from all churches, seeking the truth. He found it in the messages preached by the two brothers and
obeyed the gospel along with six other men.
On their second journey, a denominational leader
interrupted the service bringing in four strong men with rods in their hands. He said sternly, "Stop preaching this new
religion here. We believe in Jesus and we don't need you or
your gospel. Leave this place at once if you value your lives for many of our young people have sworn to beat you. Our

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