Page 160 - Then Came the Glory
P. 160

 Then Came the Glory
When Gebrehiwot got the Holy Ghost the devil burned his three houses that contained all his property. Brothers from the church helped him build a new house with iron sheets. When his wife got the Holy Ghost, The Peasant Association decided to kill him and took him from his home to their office. In the meantime a misunderstanding flared Ijetween the farm workers and the officials. Gebrehiwot stood in the middle of the confusion and whispered, "In Jesus
. name". Officials started shooting at the workers; one died. * They shot back and wounded two officials who died after
being taken to the hospital. The name of Jesus protected the new convert and his family and he received a call to work,
"^r the Lord in Sheila Mella.
Hezkiel had baptized four people in Sheila Mella
when he taught at Brother Paulos Tona's house earlier. He took Gebrehiwot and a couple of brethren with him to teach
again, and six people believed and asked for baptism. But the leader of the local revolutionary guard stood and said, "I will
not accept this because I believe God is Trinity."
Hezkiel answered gently, "Anyone to whom truth is
revealed can be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of his sin. If you do not understand this, feel free to go.
"I do not understand," the man replied angrily, "and I will go."
"Since the river is far and it is near 6:00 P.M. some of you should go take care of your cattle; when you return, we will all walk to the river together."
As soon as the people left. Brother Hezkiel said, "I feel an opposing spirit. Let us pray." Together they rebuked the opposing spirit. They waited long but the men who left did not return.

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