Page 159 - Then Came the Glory
P. 159

 A Report to Teklemariam
Impressed with his ability, his instructors sent Abera back to his own village to train draftees. He had no young men in the required age group in his church; his trainees came from the SIM families! Amazed at God's goodness, he did the required work and continued preaching and his church grew.
One day a young man, full of anger over Abera's
preaching, came close to him and fired three bullets point- blank in his chest while Abera stood with up-lifted arms
praising and worshiping the Lord. The yoimg man turned and ran as though someone chased him to the police station
and fell before an officer trembling as he blubbered, "I have killed Abera, the Pente!"
The police detained him while they investigated. The men who came found Abera cheerful and unhurt without a smell of gunfire about him. Witnesses said, "We saw the bullet explode on your chest! How could you escape unhurt?".
Abera answered. The angel of the Lord enccanpeth t roitnd about them that fear him, and delivereth them (Psalms
34:7). The name of the Lord is a strong tower: the righteous' run into it and are scfe (Proverbs 18; 10). God sent hi^
angels to catch the bullets!"
The Lord led Hezkiel to visit Gebrehiwot Bune who
lived near the development farm. Gebrehiwot accepted the Word of God joyfully, but his blind wife refused asking,
"What is wrong with our first faith?"
Undismayed, Gebrehiwot went to the river to be
baptized in the name of Jesus for the remission of his sins. As the believers prayed for him to receive the Holy Ghost,
they also prayed for his wife's blind eyes and suddenly she shouted, "I can see! I can see!" She rejoiced all the way to
the river to be baptized.

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