Page 157 - Then Came the Glory
P. 157

 A Report to Teklemariam
"As water baptism will not be changed though the water is cold, these other baptisms will not be changed for our benefit. All of them come in the will of Jesus and we must prepare ourselves for He has promised to be with us all the way."
Hezkiel repented and caught the bus back to Arba
Minch. Epiphany had passed but, on his return he learned
the happenings of that night. Over two hundred believers
gathered in the church; suddenly four hundred fifty men
gathered outside the back of the church while the people ' worshiped God inside. Then half of the intruders stormed in
searching for Hezkiel; when they couldn't fmd him, one of ' them shot Brother Abraham Bore three times in the chest,
but the bullets wouldn't nre. He shot in the air and the^iHr worked fine.
The mob outside had begun to stone the door and break the windows, yelling, "Down with the Pentes!" When
they heard the gun fire, they thought someone had come to
help their victims and fled. At the same time the believers ran away in the darkness, though a few hid in Hezkiel's
house next door.
Brother Hezkiel gathered his congregation and
, preached the sermon of many baptisms to them and they all repented for running away in the crisis. Soon with the expert
i^id of two brothers from Brother Dawit's church, Hezkiel / built a splendid church on the hill the government gave him.
The church can be seen firom every direction and is a
testimony to the power of Jesus. Included with the church is a guest room, service building, and offices. They received
much prayer and material assistance from the mother church. A tremendous conference in 1992 brought out most of the town to hear the gospel and, among many others, university

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