Page 158 - Then Came the Glory
P. 158

 Then Came the Glory
professors found salvation.
The Apostolic church of Ethiopia produced a fine
young man named Degu Kebede, staunch in faith and doctrine. Honed by his graduation from the Life Tabernacle
Bible College in Nairobi, Kenya, he serves as presbyter of Shoa Section. Degu is an excellent interpreter and has
inspired the young people's division to raise money for the construction of churches in areas where money is scarce.
Since the organization of the Youth Division in 1987, they have given $196,942.19 which represents considerable sacrifice. They have built twenty-two churches and helped with many needs.
Several people got baptized in Mirab Abaya. As members Of the Productive Farming group lost interest and fell away. Brother Deku Debuld, through many trials and much opposition, stayed true and served the Lord with all his heart. God sent an evangelist. Brother Berhanu, from Arba Minch to sow the good seed of the gospel in Mirab Abaya,
supported diligently by faithful Deku. Brother Berhanu has faced many hardships and severe trials in that new work in
the wilderness; however, it is growing. Such evangelists are
supported with food and transport from a five cent offering
every Sunday from each member of the Apostolic church. Brother Hezkiel baptized and taught Brother Abera,
and in God's will he returned to his family's village with the
gospel. Though he began with only five members, the SIM with their twelve thousand members called a conference and
denounced him as a beast. Since the leaders of the SIM domineered both the political and religious offices the growth of the new church worried them enough, they forcibly drafted Abera in the militia hoping he would die on the battle field.

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