Page 156 - Then Came the Glory
P. 156
TTjen Came the Glory
church would scatter without their leader.
The devil told Hezkiel, "You will die; you shall
.urely die." He quoted Psalms 118:16-18 in reply, but as the
opposing spirit increased, he began to think, "Maybe it is^ God's will for me to die in this place."
As he considered this, he decided he should let Brother Tekle know about this possibility. When he called and got no answer, he put Abraham Bore, pastor of Mesketo, in charge of the services and went to get a bus to Addis. Carrying a bag of clothes and a bag of money to turn in to headquarters, he missed both buses of the Addis schedules. He then took one to another town. Down the road the bus had a minor accident. Fearing a delay he changed to another bus in a hurry, but he forgot his money bag. This bus moved quickly and he rejoiced in the Lord for helping
him get the faster one. Satan slyly said, "Why do you thank God? You left your money on the other bus."
Before he got alarmed, the Lord assured him. Fear not, it will not be lost.
Arriving at the next town, he got off the bus and saw the other one coming. He got on when it stopped and told the
conductor about the lost bag. "Is it red?" he asked.
"Yes." Hezkiel answered, and the jpan Ijgnded hh#^ his bag intact. ,
Service in Addis headquarters church "blessed huh. The speaker talked about baptism in water, but explained, "Water is not the only baptism. Sometimes we must go
through a baptism of stones thrown at us, a baptism of abuse, a baptism of false accusations, a baptism of being despised, a baptism of pain, a baptism of crucifixion, ^ baptism of prison, and even a baptism of death.