Page 167 - Then Came the Glory
P. 167
Witnesses with Power
exploded to harm us.
The church at Tokilega had many enemies, but none
so determined as Ato Chelkeba Feyssa. He attempted to throw a bomb in the middle of a prayer meeting, but it clung to his fingers and refused to be thrown though he tried repeatedly. He discarded the bomb and heaved a large stone at us that landed in the middle of the room without touching anyone. Thankful for miraculous protection, the saints laid their hands on the stone and prayed for the man who threw it. "Oh Lord, may the hands that threw this stone be lifted up to praise You. We long to see it. Amen."
Chelkeba's hands began sweling causing him much
distress. After several days of agony he came to apologize to us and reconcile with the God of the Apostolics. He knelt on the floor at our feet, asked forgiveness with tears, and we joined with him to entreat Jesus for mercy. His hard heart changed. We baptized him in Jesus name and the God whose mercy is beyond understanding filled him with the Holy Spirit.
Accepting the cal to Mecha Dendi, Brother Berhanu
began witnessing fervently and the Lord accepted his
ministry and granted revival in the town and the country side.
With the Derg overthrow by EPRDF, came a change of government policy; each tribe would govern themselves.
Longstanding hatred and prejudice between tribes had often flared into petty conflict in this area. The Amhara oppressed
the Oromo for years causing them to hate their religion, the Orthodox church. Now organized, the Oromo wanted to drive the Amharas out of their region. They burned Orthodox churches and slaughtered people in a rampage. Only the government's mediation prevented wholesale civil