Page 215 - Then Came the Glory
P. 215
without interruptions."
Tekle said Erkenesh seldom slept more than two
hours a night. She spent most nights on her knees. She
literally wore out her body in deep intercession. When we travelled together in America in 1986 for six weeks sleeping
in motels, I would lift her from her knees at two or three o'clock in the morning with, "Dear, you must get some rest; we are facing another busy day." She rejoiced when we had separate rooms and I couldn't bother her.
Erkenesh's candle of life burned brilliantly with no
consideration for comfort or desire for earthly goods, but,
oh, what a harvest of souls she laid at the Master's feet! Called away at age forty-seven she left her husband
Tekle, fifty-seven.
Daughter Mehret, twenty-three, mother of her three
Son Josias, twenty-one.
Son Abraham, nineteen.
Daughter Jerusalem, seventeen.
Son Joshua, fifteen.
And thousands upon thousands of spiritual children.
How beautiful resurrection day will be!