Page 42 - Then Came the Glory
P. 42

 Then Came the Glory
you, it is only a shadow of the True Church of the Living God. Being a shadow you have only an artificial church divorced from reality. In the first place, there is only one
church, one body, and one God. Jesus will not establish His church on strife and division.
Listen! dear Church, please leave the doors open for those who come back with full repentance. I am so grateful
my church left the doors open for me to enter when I returned. Had I been discouraged or received with anything
other than apostolic love, they would have doomed me to eternal death. Because of my church's mercy I am alive
spiritually. Now, / can do all things through Christ which strengthenth me. (Philippians 4:13).
By the mercy of Jesus Christ, Solomon Lodamo
Solomon (right) with Amare and his wife 30

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