Page 41 - Then Came the Glory
P. 41

 Solomon's Testimor^
months. With a heart full of sorrow, I repented of all my evil
words and came back to the church after thirteen years. I felt
like a thief and could not look the saints in the eyes. Sleep
went away from my eyes in the night. I asked forgiveness of
everyone and after a ten day fasting-prayer session began to
feel peace. I took another ten day for fasting and prayer,
taking only a little tap water. Now I am alive and refreshed!
My first love is fully restored and I bask in the sweet spirit of oneness in the church. Blessed be the wonderful name of
Jesus; He has washed me with His blood once more! Now I know I will inherit the Kingdom of God.
Before the thirteen years of strife and division that culminated in the preachers being disfellowshiped, I had several positions and felt the great grace of the Lord in
everything I did. I led the singing and preached, served as an ordained deacon and as secretary of the church board.
Almost all the English preaching reached the ears of the saints by my interpreting. When I joined the disfellowshiped
group, I lost all that grace. My heart felt empty. We fasted and prayed during those years, but I did not feel apostolic
love, unity of spirit, or joy of the Holy Ghost in my daily life. My Christian experiences sank back to the level of denominational times.
Please hear my solemn words, dear disfellowshiped
brother or sister, run back to your pastor or leader and ask
forgiveness. Don't let the sun set on your situation. Go back to your Father's house and excuse yourself with deep
repentance. The road out of the church certainly leads to hell.
You may think as we did—you have a church, even after you are cut off (and it is never without a cause). To some extent you are blessed, but do not be deceived. Mind

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