Page 51 - Then Came the Glory
P. 51
Af I Remember...
We simply operated on emotions and imagination which caused many problems. Sad misunderstandings between leaders combined with lack of judgement developed tragic and unnecessary persecution that caused the death of Brother Tekle's small son Moses. I saw myself as a
peacemaker and tried to mediate between brethren until I received an embarrassing letter that accused me of being a
trouble maker. I stopped trying to mediate and gave myself to serious prayer; however, before we could resolve the
problem. Brother Wendell was forced by the government to leave the country.
The work of the Gospel stopped everywhere and the
Holy Ghost did not fall as before because we no longer
enjoyed oneness of accord. The brethren in Addis Ababa suffered persecution. The police arrested Brother Worku
Gebremariam in St. Trinity. Brother Amare and others suffered the tension of confusion, and Brother Nigussie Haile was imprisoned in Wollayta. Generally the recently founded Apostolic Church of Ethiopia fell into serious problems from 1972 until 1974.
Though we did not understand the foundation and the authority of the church, we felt burdened for the disintegration of the work and sadness for the cold spirited slackening of preaching the Gospel of Jeusus Christ.. When saints who suffered to maintain unity asked us why we had no answer.
Then Jesus led me to Sister Yewubdar Abebe's house the same day her sister Kelemua came to visit. Through
prayer and counsel with Mama Worke, the Lord gave us a
plan. Mama Worke and Sister Yewubdar went to Brother Tekle with advice and I went to Brother Amare. Success
crowned out efforts! On April 12, 1974 we gathered in 39