Page 49 - Then Came the Glory
P. 49

 As I Remember.
church history and Bible. Tekle took me to his home to meet his family. On November 1, 1969, while I knelt with them in prayer, the Lord heard my heart's cry and gloriously filled me with the Holy Ghost.. I sang a song in the Spirit saying, "I want to proclaim Thy salvation." A voice replied, "Stand and proclaim in Borena."
Though I did not fully understand, I went to Borena for a week. On my return I brought my questions to the
Bible School.
"Is the word trinity in the Bible?"
"What is the difference between baptism in the
the titles in Matthew 28:19 and baptism in the name of Jesus in Acts 2:38?"
"Where was the Son and the Holy Ghost when God created the heaven and earth?"
My queries brought a storm of opposition and they quickly expelled me from the school.
By the time I returned to Tekle's house in February 1970, the Wendell's ministry had led him into the truth that has transformed thousands of lives in Ethiopia. With many
scriptures he proved to me the oneness of God and baptism in the name of Jesus as practiced by the Apostles. I
immediately requested baptism in the Bible way and found the long-desired rest for my soul.
I discussed my call to the ministry with Brother Tekle and went first to Dilla where the Lord gave me many souls. Tekle and his wife Erkenesh and I ministered in Awassa, Wolaytta, Kembatta, and Addis Ababa. Great revival came. We explained with zeal and anointing the perfection of the apostle's faith to the religious people bound by tradition.
Many believed and were baptized, and we left them 37

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