Page 57 - Then Came the Glory
P. 57
y4s / Remember..
Dejene with one heart and one spirit in the Eastern and Southern section. God has blessed us richly and multiplied
the work. In '85 we baptized seventy three people, the next
year one hundred eighty-six, and the following years, at least five hundred a year. I have been ordained and am the leader
of Debrezeit sub-sections. I am happy, serving my Lord with
gladness and above all I am thankful for the leaders of the church who accepted me with a pure spirit and full
forgiveness enabling me to live and work in the love of God. Had it not been for their Christlike acceptance and
the love of the saints, we would still be bound with the
curse. Today I refuse to listen to malicious words that would
bring antagonism in the church for I know the Lord works
only with love. I pray the Lord's richest blessing on Brother
Dejene and Sister Menbre because they helped me both before and after my return to church. They advise and
comfort me in my ministry and in my personal life.
If every minster would pay attention, respect, and be in one accord with his fellow ministers, then the work of
God could move forward with full strength and the Holy
Ghost would be poured out abundantly everywhere. If we
had worked together like we do now for the past twelve
years, the gospel of Jesus Christ would have filled Ethiopia and flooded the neighboring countries.
I have a message for the servants of God. After Jesus established the church by His blood. He set in the church
apostles, prophets, preachers of the gospel, helps, and
governments (administration), I Corinthians 12:28. All of us are given grace as servants of the church-not independent