Page 56 - Then Came the Glory
P. 56

 Then Came the Glory
Meanwhile my studies helped me get a better job at the Transport Corporation, relieving my mind of worries about daily needs, but I had no rest in my heart. When I prayed I reasoned with God, "Lord, when you brought me to this place, didn't you promise to supply my needs, make me fruitful in your service and bless me? Where are the promises? Did I come here only to benefit the flesh? My heart cries out to see the fruit of the Gospel". My only relief came as I met with Brother Ejigu Moges twice a week to pray for the Gospel to be preached freely in unity.
Material I was responsible for at work got stolen, and Sisters Yewubdar and Kelemua came to comfort me. As we shared our mutual concern for the church we felt led to arrange a meeting with good-spirited Brother Worku and Brother Moges in February 1985. When I told them how God frequently warned me with Matthew 18:23-25, they confirmed the Lord gave all five of us the same message and we felt we must do something about it. We agreed that each of us must contact the separated saints in different places (as decided) and we would meet again once a month in Debrezeit to pray and plan.
When I spoke to Dejene Segu, he arranged a meeting with Brother Tekle and Sister Erkenesh at his home in Nazareth and restoration came through the understanding of the leaders. The scattered saints in Addis returned through the efforts of Brother Worku. In a short time everyone but
Amare, Solomon, and Negussie came back to the fold. We held fast to hope that they would rejoin us one day.
All of us who returned decided to live and work for
unity with brotherly love in the church according to the Word of God. Since I am called to be a minister, I followed
the advice of my church, and began to work with Brother 44

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