Page 55 - Then Came the Glory
P. 55

 /4s I Remember..
Mm; lest at any time the adversary deliver thee to the judge, and the judge deliver thee to tlw officer, card thou be cast into prison. Verily I say unto thee. Thou shalt by no means come out thence till thou hast paid the uttermost fartUng.
The words shocked me and I trembled. I felt confused and wanted to say, "Let us return to the church," but I remembered the arrows thrown at me in 1971-72 and in 1975. I wanted to evade the scripture, but I feared its message. In the meantime some of the saints asked me, "You evangelists taught us to love one another, yet you dispute
with each other and separate yourselves. Why do you not become reconciled." I had no answer.
Brother Dejene Segu came to my home several times
pleading with me to return to the church, but I refused. Later I heard that the Spirit of the Lord spoke through Amare
Waktola at a prayer meeting at Brother Moges' house. This made me happy remembering how they opposed the unity
1 went to see Brother Ejigu Moges when I heard that
he lay sick at his mother's house in Nazareth. He asked me to explain the beginning of the church and how the division came. After I told him the whole story he answered, "Why didn't you wait until the meeting finished before you left? This is the work of the flesh, and you are still responsible."
We agreed to pray together, hoping for an answer from the Lord.
I went to see Amare and others in Addis Ababa,
hoping for a change of heart, but they said, "We have cleansed our hearts of hatred, but we will stay as we are
until Jesus tells us to unite with those we left."
I returned home feeling sad and earnestly prayed
again for the Lord to lead me.

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