Page 61 - Then Came the Glory
P. 61

Tekle explains: After the Derg came to power, the
fanatic young communists who lit the revolutionary flame
focused on religion, they planned to kil everyone over forty
years old and to sweep religious people out of the country.
They forced the missionaries who brought different kinds of
religion to Ethiopia to leave the land. This enhanced the
apostolic church's opportunity for growth and abundant chances to go fearlessly through many open doors.
The preachers employed with salaries by missionaries
abandoned their flocks and took jobs as communist cadres to
persecute religion for 400 Birr a month. The missionaries who brought the money took it back with them to their own
lands. When the problems and confusion relaxed somewhat,
many of them returned to find they had only buildings; their former saints are now members of the Apostolic church.
From that time those leaders started conspiring
against me. They bribed district administrators and police commissioners to kill me, but every effort failed, it is not
possible to destroy a person that God protects, a long time has passed since they sentenced me to death.

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