Page 67 - Then Came the Glory
P. 67
Let the Redeemed S(^ So
closed all of the roads leading out of the town, declaring that
anyone who found me should kill me. They killed my son, but Jesus arranged my escape.
In Debrezeit, most of the town's population broke up a prayer meeting and beat me with a big rod with nails in it.
They half scalped me and I lay in a coma for a week, but Jesus healed me.
A poisonous lowland snake bit me, but the Lord
dispelled the poison in my body and I was made whole. Murderers with knives surrounded my wife and me
in a house in Negelle. God prevented them from action
though they stayed until 3:00 A.M. We escaped at 5:00 A.M. by His mercy.
A demon in the form of a man came to torture me to
death, but an angel in a white garment revealed the man's true identity and told me to say repeatedly, "In Jesus name".
That lovely name delivered me and I escaped from Satan's hand.
My daughter Jerusalem lay critically ill with malaria for nine days and died. I prayed to the Lord of the
resurrection with hope and after two hours, her life returned. When we began in the gospel work, the believers did not understand that tithing is compulsory and we suffered
many hardships. Since Mehret, our oldest daughter did not receive the proper nutrition she needed as a small child, she
developed a nagging cough that lasted for ten years. We rebuked the cough in the name of Jesus and it went away,
never to return.
Boiling water accidently spilled on Eyosyas' hand and the doctor feared he had lost the use of it permanently; we firmly held on to God in prayer and he received complete
healing with full use of his hand. 55