Page 68 - Then Came the Glory
P. 68
Then Came the Glory
An officer under Emperor Haile Selasse signed my death sentence, but my would-be killers perished in the revolution.
Abraham contacted an intestinal disease that held on
until we lost hope; then Jesus gave his life back.
A man put his machine gun on my chest and pulled
the trigger, but the bullet did not fire; I was spared. Planning to shoot me in the head, an enemy of the
gospel lay in ambush; the bullet only fanned my hair.
I suffered severe asthma for three years and it
disappeared through prayer. Thirteen years I have been free from asthma by the power of Jesus. I had painful attacks of
sinus for ten years before the Lord delivered me. Returning from school with Eyasu, Erkenesh's yoimger brother ran ahead. He looked back to see an enemy strangling Eyasu with his own scarf until his eyes bulged
dangerously near death. The young man ran back; the attacker released Eyasu and wanted to run away, but Erkenesh's brother grabbed him and bear him severely.
A very devoted mother in our church has a demon
possessed son. One day Satan told him to get a knife and kill Jerusalem, our daughter, he bought a sharp knife and came to the church compound only to learn Jerusalem had gone to town. He thought, "If I can't kill her, I will kill one of the other preachers' children." He saw Brother Worku's son and
pretended to be friendly until he got him out of the church compound and stabbed him in the stomach, but not too deeply. The boy held his hand over the wound to protect himself and before someone rescued the lad, his hand received severe stab wounds which healed with treatment. He drank the cup meant for Jerusalem, but Jesus helped him.
After the Derg came to power, they corrupted the 56