Page 69 - Then Came the Glory
P. 69

 Let the Redeemed iSay So
young people, often stealing young girls and putting them in the army. Since going to school became too dangerous for
Mehret, a spiritual girl, we had no choice but arrange
marriage for her at age sixteen. A good and obedient girl, she agreed to marry the godly young man we chose for her.
Her husband is a preacher of the gospel and they now have three children.
I developed diabetes after a long preaching journey
where I drank only soft drinks because safe drinking water
could not be foimd. When I consulted a doctor, my blood
sugar had reached 400. This condition persisted for a while, before the Name of Jesus healed me completely.
After a missionary trip to West Africa, I developed
yellow fever and lay imconscious for thirty-five days. Despair for my life prevailed; my pancreas swelled to the extremity; but with hope gone, Jesus the healer touched me and restored my health.
Eyosyas, our oldest son went to Kenya Bible School for a year, then Brother Church in Canada offered to sponsor
him at the Bible School there and Brother David Ward
helped him to go. He stayed two years and graduated.
I attended a conference at New Orleans in the USA.
On Saturday as I attempted to open the door to a restaurant, the large plate glass above it fell and cut my leg in several
places. One cut above my knee went to the bone. The doctor who stitched it told me to stay in bed, but I hobbled to the
Sunday night service. Brother Jack Cunningham called me forward and as he and thousands of others prayed for me,
the power of Jesus Christ touched me and I danced all over the platform. When I went to the doctor the next day to have the stitches removed he scolded me for waiting until the wound completely dried before I came!

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