Page 71 - Then Came the Glory
P. 71
Let the Redeemed Say So
doctors by living. However long the paralysis remains, we
hope in God for complete healing. Having faced so many
temptations from Satan, the Lord has trained us to fight him. We are not defeated in the battle; we are winners in Jesus
Christ. Job's words are our testimony:
Wherefore do I take my flesh in my teeth, andput my
life in my hand? Though he slay me, yet will I trust him: but I will maintain mine own wt^s before him (Job 13:14,15).
This book cannot be long enough to record all of the miracles and the salvation of God that we have beheld. The
great God has divinely protected us from many accidents and
dangers. His Word declares: Let the redeemed say so! Blessed be Jesus who enables us to praise Him.
Tekle's daughter Mehret and her daughter 59