Page 79 - Then Came the Glory
P. 79
By Dawit lya
"Let me tell you how this salvation has proven true and powerful in Ado Shakso district." says Brother Dawit
lya and his faithful helper Addisu Barrso.
The Evangelical church reigned in this area for many
years. We had our first service on Christmas day in 1986 in Utula, and from the beginning God smiled on us. Some of the people intrigued with a new name The Apostolic Church came out of curiosity, but they received the Holy Ghost. Most of the people hearing of this first became afraid of us, and soon, fiill of hatred, determined to chase this new
religion out of their district.
A man in our village had an incorrigible son and
determined for his good to take him to another village far
away. Before a week passed the son died and the man returned home almost crazy with grief. We cast the demons
out of him, which the Evangelical church had no power to do, and then like a flood, the hungry-hearted people came to us; many received healing.