Page 84 - Then Came the Glory
P. 84

 Then Came the Glory
family, "I will be dead in three days." His oldest son came to me and begged me to go pray for him. He said, "The
disease that will kill my father is Satan. Even if he lives a few more days, he will die with the devil in him. Whether he lives or dies, I want to bury my father's body clean; please
pray for him."
I went home with him and told the family, "You
simply believe and the old man will be healed." I prayed for him at 7:00 P.M.. The next morning he got up and said, "I
was dead, but now I am free from death. I thank Jesus."
Now, he is in the church.
At the same time a 115 year old man who had been
seriously ill for six years sent a messenger to call us. When we found him he said, "I believe in the way of truth, but this
disease bums me like a fire. I am not able to sit, sleep, or stand; I prefer death to this torment, but if you can heal me by the power of prayer I will obey whatever you require of me. If you say separate yourself from your family or your wealth so that I can be healed, I will do it with my whole heart." We prayed and complete healing came.
The people who knew this man heard about his
healing and said, "Those Apostolics not only heal the sick and cast out demons, but now they have modified old age.
God is really with them. If you want salvation, go to them!" On the January 25, 1993 believers both old and
young came to Utulu to start the church. Everyone forgot positions or honor and we all worked together for the glory of God. It seemed most of the population came to hear our
songs and sermons and to see die work of the church done between Monday and Sunday that week. This annoyed the
Evangelical church and some of them shouted at us angrily and threatened to hum the house and kill us. The outsiders

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