Page 83 - Then Came the Glory
P. 83

The preacher cast a demon out of the boy and he received total healing. The family returned home and continued in their traditional church and the boy became sick again. When the elders of the church prayed three days and nothing happened, his family said, "Let us take him to the Apostolic church before it is too late."
They brought him to me at Bufer and after prayer, healing came immediately. He ate food and regained strength, then his family asked that he stay with us so he can live.
In 1990, Lidya Ware, Isayas Barsso, and Genet Russie helped me pray for a man seventy-five years old who had been insane for many years. He continually threatened his family and wanted to slaughter them. When their books did not help, they finally called for us. The Lord healed him by our prayers; he and his whole family believed and began to work for the Lord. The people in the surrounding area then declared we have a great salvation.
A member of the Evangelical church named Racha Halake became very sick in 1991 and lost his mind. His church elders prayed for him until he said one day, "I will die in nine days." They became disgusted and abandoned him. His family had heard that the Apostolics heal insane people so they brought him to me with his bruised hands and feet tightly bound. I said, "Loose him." He became normal immediately when we prayed and the following day received complete healing. He arose and declared, "Brethren, I was dead, but now I am alive. Praise Jesus!" He could hardly stop glorifying God. He and his whole family believed and came to the Apostolic church.
Bullala Sersa, 120 years old became ill and told his 71
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