Page 82 - Then Came the Glory
P. 82

 Then Came the Glory
erected and build a new one in its place. This hall, big
enough to house ten peasant associations took some time to tear down and rebuild. They finally returned full of wrath
ready to take vengeance on us, but a letter came from our headquarters in Addis Ababa saying the church has been registered and is no longer illegal. Our prosecutors stood dumbfoimded when we showed them the letter. They seemed disappointed about being robbed of their prey, but thanks to Jesus, the giver of light, who did not allow their darkness to put out our light.
Then the Evangelical preachers intensified their
preaching against us. They told the people, "These peoples' false doctrine came from overseas. Do not greet them,
because they are possessed by a demon who came out of the dust. Run from them every time you see one. "
For a time, the people believed them and when we tried to witness, they would answer, "We have our church and our pastor." From the oldest to the youngest they avoided us. But we fasted and prayed, seeking God
earnestly; He wrought miracles that opened doors.
A ten-year old member of a junior choir became
acutely ill and when the prayers of church leaders availed nothing his family set out for the hospital some distance away. On the way they met a member of our church who said, "Why don't you go to this prayer meeting and let the Apostolics pray for him?"
Brother Abraham Dube, in charge of the meeting asked the family , "Are you religious?"
"We belong to the Evangelical church and our elders have prayed for the lad many times, but he is not healed.
Eight members of our family have died with this disease that starts with a stomach ache. Please pray for him that he will

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