Page 83 - Jesus the Ultimate Ology
P. 83
The Catholic Encyclopedia, IL page 263:
"The baptismal formula was changed from the name of Jesus Christ to the words Father, Son, and Holy Spirit by the Catholic Church in the second century."
Britannica Encyclopedia:
The baptismal formula was changed from the name ofJesus Christ to the words, father, son & Holy Ghost by the Catholic Church in
theSecondCentury.-11th Edit.,Vol.3,pg.365-366.
Canney Encyclopedia of Religion:
The early church always baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus until de,·elopment of the Trinity Doctrine in the Second Century.
Hastings Encyclopedia of Religion:
Christian baptism was administered using the words, "in the name ofJesus." - Vol. 2, pg. 377. Baptism was always in the name of the Lord Jesus until the time ofJustin Martyr when the Triune formula was used.
TheJerusalem Bible:
"It may be that this formula, (Triune Matthew 28:19) so far as the fullness of its expression is concerned, is a reflection of the (man made) liturgical usage established later in the primitive (Catholic) community. It will be reme1bered that Acts speaks of baptizing "in the na1ne ofJesus,11 ...11
Ok, let's look at the whole thing one more time.
Jesus taught his disciples:
. . . that repentance and remission ofsins should he preached in his name among all nations, beginning atJerusalem.
Luke 24:47