Page 39 - 1212 WLB #E 2021
P. 39

S r E e - r I  P r n s o r r
                                                  ;"   ^rt..   coNsr   rLr',NG   A  FAATNEFsH'p
                                                       A T T O R N E Y S  A T  L A W
                                                         W A R N E R  C S N T E R
                                                  5 A 5 O  C A N O G A  A V E N U E ,  S U I T E  2 O 6
                                        I(/OODLAND    HILLS,  CALIFORNIA    91362-6516
                                                          ( a r a )  9 9 9 - o t o 6
              J A M E S  A  S I E E L E               F A C S I M ] L .  ( A  A )  9 9 9 - 1 1 9 6
             A  PROFESSIONAL  6W  :ORrcRAIION

                vrA  TELECOPIER  (805)  495-8778


                Ray  Molavi
                 Broker-  Manager
                Century  2l  Rolling  O,aks
                 77 olling aks rive
                Thousand Oaks,  CA 91360
                        Re:    Curt Sommers

                Dear  Mr. Molavi:

                I have no  doubt that  you  have heard  praise  about  Curt Sommers  before however  I felt compelled
                to tell you  how  pleased  my wife and I were with his services.

                We are  in the  process  of selling  our  7,500 square  foot home in Calabasas  and while we were
                looking  for the  right home in the interim, decided  to buy a condominium in the Westlake area
                which will either sell or lease following our  purchase  of a replacement  home.  Due to Curt's
                incredible energy  and follow-thorough, we were able to present  an offer  and  close escrow  on the
                condominium  within a mere 2 week  period.

                During the course of the  transaction various unanricipated  problems  arose  (inciuciing  the
                presence  of termites, asbestos,  deferred maintenance  issues,  open building  permits,  minor code
                violations and the like). These  problems  were due  primarily  to a failure to disclose on the
                Sellers'  part  but unfortunately contributed  in large  part  by the  Sellers'  agent's lack of
                competence or concern and there  were times  at  which  I had concluded that a closing,  much  less
                one  within 2 weeks, would likely  be  impossible.

                Instead of allowing the transaction to terminate,  as many less capable agents might have
                permitted, Curt did whatever it took to resolve  all of the  issues  which arose. He followed up
                with the Homeowners' Association, third  party  service  providers,  the  Counly  Building
                Department  and anyone  else who needed  to be  prodded  in order to fulfill our  timing
                requirements.  Curt  was  available  by telephone  day  or night  to respond  to our  questions  and kept
                us  abreast of the  status  throushout  the  transaction.
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