Page 41 - 1212 WLB #E 2021
P. 41

A-"Amwest                                                             Amwest  Surety lnsurance Company
                                                                                          Avenue, P.0. Box  4500
                                                                                 6320 Canoga
                                                                                 Woodland  CA 91365-4500
                                                                                 TEL  818 704-1111
                  May  29,  1996
                                                                                     DIAL  NUMSER:
                                                                                 (818)  5s2-3454
                  Mr.  Curt  Sommers                                              (818)  s92-3654
                  CENTURY  21 ROLLING  OAKS
                  77 Rolling  Oaks Drive
                  Thousand  Oaks, California  91360

                  Dear  Curt:

                  On  behalf  of my mother  and  myself,  I wish  to extend  our  sincerest  appreciation  your
                  assistance  not only in selling  our house,  but in negotiating  the purchase  of our new

                  As you know,  our home  was on the market  for 1 year prior  io our having  the good
                  fortune  of meeting  you. We had  experiencecj  such  poor  service  from  previous  brokers
                  that we had  completely  lost  any confidence  that we could  trust  any real  estate  broker.
                                                                                     yourself  as a
                  You  proved  to us that  good  brokers  exist. You  did not  distingi.rish
                  or buying  agent', but  one  who is  exclusively
                                                              committed  to achieving  the optimum  results
                  for the homeowner.  Your  expertise  in financial  negotiations  is unsurpassed.  You
                  investigated  the market  activity on a daily basis  as well as keeping  your  eye on the
                                                                      who wanted  to'lowball'the  price  of
                  interest  rates. Unlike other  brokers  we interviewed
                  our house  for a quick  sale,  your  knowledge  of the market resulted in the sale  of our
                  house  well  above the other  brokers suggestions and  sold it in 3 weeks. Unlike other
                  brokers,  your  dedication did not stop with the sate of the house. You provided  the
                  names  of reliable  contractors  to make  any  repairs  and supervised this work  yourself.
                  We sailed  through the transaction with no difficulty  with  you  handling  every  detail and
                  delivering  everything we asked for.  Additionally,
                                                                     with a very short escrow of only  45
                  days,  you  were  able to calm  our  nerves  that we would find  a new home  before  we haci
                  to move. Once  again,  you  jumpeci  in  and  negotiated  our offer on  our new  home. As a
                  result  of  your  skill, the  offer was accepted in 1 day and well below the asking  price.

                  We will  be forever  grateful  for  your  support,  financial  "know  how', and most importantly,
                  your  ability  to negotiate in the most  difficult  of situations  so that everyone feels they
                  have  succeeded. Rest assured,  should  we ever require the services of a real  estate
                  broker,  you  will be  the only  person  to whom  we  turn. Please feel free to give  our name
                  as references.  We will miss  youl
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