Page 54 - 1212 WLB #E 2021
P. 54
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EeaiEiatl crc-rfr o ra t i o n
6 Sylvan Way
Parsippany, Jersey 07054
Robert Moles
Chief Executive Officer
August 16,1999
Curt Sommers
CENTURY 21 Rolling Oaks
77 Rolling Oaks Drive. Ste 100
Thousand Oaks. CA 91361
Dear Curt:
I am delighted to congratulate you on achieving the prestigious 1999 CENTURION@
Producer Award.
The CENTURION Award is a symbol of excellence earned by only an elite group of
CENTURY 21o Producers. This elite group represents the depth oitalent and experience
found within the CENTURY 2l Systeni.
You have proven your commitment and dedication to the CENTURY 2l organization
over the past year. You have demonstrated exceptional professional standards and
dedication to your clients. We salute your accomplishments and pledge to provide
continuing support and encouragement insure your personal and professional success.
On behalf of the entire organization, commend vou for vour arvard winnins efforts. Besl
wishes for another outstandins year.
Robert Moies
| 810051811
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