Page 58 - 1212 WLB #E 2021
P. 58
S. Stuntr,
Mayo Jr.
Ereqdive Yice Pnsident
Chief 0perating
February 26,1997
Curt Sommers
CENTURY 21 Rolling Oaks
77 Rolling Oaks Drive
Thousand Oaks, CA 91361
Dear Curt:
I welcome this opportunity to congratulate you on your
outstanding performance in achieving the 1996 CENTUzuON'
sales associate award.
You have joined a select yet dynamic group of sales associates
who are vital to growing the CENTURY 2l@ system. Your
commitment and dedication to representing the values of
CENTURY 2l organization, combined with superior service. set
high benchmark for all sales associates to follow. You are to be
commended for your pursuit to a personal best within the
In response to your commitment. we pledge to provide you with
the tools you need to build upon your success. Your outstanding
performance represents the CENTURY 21 system at its best. and
we are determined to uphold and strensthen the service level vou
have set.
I join the entire CENTURY 2l team in congratulating vou, once
again. on your achievement and look forward to your continued
success in 1997.
Ceotury Coryontion
a BaalEstate
6 Syfvan lfay Mavo S.
Panippany, licw Jeney 07054