Page 11 - Cornice_Grade 10
P. 11

“In an adrenaline rush causing panting, I can only get a  This utterly confuses Bateman. It can be seen one
         few blocks, partly because of panic, mostly because of    of  two  ways.  Either  Bateman’s  lawyer  confused
         the blood, brains, chunks of head covering the            somebody else for Paul Owens (much like Bateman
         windshield...                                             gets  confused  for  different  men  multiple  times)

         The cab rolling over fruit stands, smashing through a     since  they’re  all  so  mind-numbingly  identical.  On
         wall of glass, the body of a cashier thudding across the  the  contrary,  the  lawyer  could  have  actually  been
         hood, Patrick tries to put the cab in reverse, but        right in that Paul Owens was still, in fact, alive and
         nothing happens…”                                         all that Patrick Bateman had done- the gruesome
                                                                   murders, the blood, the shootings- was in his own
                                                                   head. The book ends as Bateman’s life goes back to
                                                                   the  normal  droning  monotony  it  always  was.

        This  implies  that  while  parts  of  his  description    Patrick  Bateman  doesn’t  think  of  himself  as  a
        of  the  events  are  accurate,  other  parts  may  as     human  being-  he  thinks  of  himself  as  an  illusion.
        well  just  be  his  imagination.  The  next  day  he      It’s  up  to  the  reader  to  figure  out  whether
        runs  into  his  lawyer,  expecting  to  talk  to  him     everything  that  was  described  was  simply  a
        about  the  confession  he  made.  But  his  lawyer        hallucination, or if high society was so shallow that
        confuses  Bateman  for  someone  else  (again),            Bateman’s  doings  eventually  faded  into  nothing.
        and  pats  him  on  the  back  for  coming  up  with       And  he  leaves  us  with  the  conclusion  that  this  is
        such  an  elaborate  joke.  When  Bateman                  what Patrick Bateman is.
        pressures  the  lawyer  into  telling  him  why  the
        confession was assumed to be a joke, the lawyer
        tells  him  it’s  impossible  that  Paul  Owens  was                                 -Anushka Sharma
        dead  because  he’d  just  seen  him  the  previous
        week in London.

                                                                   A M E R I C A N

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