Page 17 - Cornice_Grade 10
P. 17
One of the best I was lucky enough It is very
experiences one to get the overwhelming at first
should always enjoy is opportunity to but, as time
the MoE (Motion of dance with the vice- progresses, so do your
Entertainment). For chair when I was in skills. My memories as
those who don't eighth grade. Ahh, a delegate have been
know, Motion of making the whole vague, having
Entertainment is a committee laugh attended only 3
short segment that an and embarrass the MUNs, one being
MUN always has at vice chair made my online. Hence, I have
the end of the whole year. In all not been able to
sessions. The seriousness though, experience intense
delegates get the being a delegate debates or have gotten
floor to basically enhances one's the opportunity to win
entertain the skills on debating many awards.
committee. and writing.
On the other hand, being a press member is fun.
Well, you do have to write articles, Overall, my MUN experience
but as I had to host the podcast has had a fair share of ups
with a partner, it made me realise and downs. MUN is truly an
how powerful teamwork is. Ive had eye opening and eventful
my fair share of the bitter truth, experience that one should
when a head of press scolded me sign up for.
for being lazy.
In my defence, I had encountered a
writer’s block. Sure being a
delegate seems more appealing, but
personally, I would prefer being a
member of the press. Yes, the work
you have to do might be
intimidating. But you learn along
the way. Hosting interviews and
podcasts seems fun, until you start
to plan it out. Which from personal
experience, its tough. Being in the
press can be a quiet humbling
experience. Mainly because of how
perfect the work should be.
- Utkrist B. Singh