Page 7 - Cornice_Grade 9
P. 7


                        My Hometown

                          By: Suvan K. Shrestha

       The tales of the people who live here are anything but short.

   Iynil,  my  hometown,  is  where  my  heart  belongs.  Iynil  is  a  lovely
   town  full  of  flowers,  grass,  and  mountains  which  makes  the  place
   feel  heavenly.  The  locals  are  sincere,  diligent,  straightforward  and
   courteous;  working  day  and  night  for  the  city.  It  is  located  in  the
   southwestern part of Lamjung and has the highest population there.
   I  used  to  live  on  the  farm,  away  from  prying  eyes.  The  outdoors
   reveals endless expanses of farmland, dry ground, and sparse areas
   of trees at the boundaries of the properties. Despite the paucity of
   visitors, there are routes that tourists could walk, hike, or cycle on.

   Every day I would observe a different traveler biking, trekking, or
   walking down the trail.

   My hometown might not appear much from the outside, but this tiny
   blot on the map has a couple of famous schools and businesses. The
   town  has  a  fine  public  hospital  where  most  government  doctors
   attend to patients as well as other VIP’s but the public’s dislike for
   few careless doctors are inevitable. They are often transferred on the
   patients’ complaints. Of course, due to it being highly populated, the
   hospitals  are  often  extremely  crowded.  The  town  municipal
   committee  keeps  the  town  clean  but  sometimes  garbage  heaps
   collect.  They  turn  into  small  hills,  and  the  whole  place  smells
   absolutely  disgusting  like  rotten  eggs  and  milk.  The  electricity
   department takes care of the street lights and makes sure the streets
   are well lit at night.

   Mostly everyone in the town knows each other.The people here are
   some of the most hardworking people I have ever seen in my entire

   life. They help each other in every single way possible.Last month
   when  my  neighbor  broke  his  hand  and  could  not  take  care  of  his
   cattle and field, the entire town took shifts to take care of his cattle
   and field. All types of people live here. Some are IT professionals,
   some  software  engineers,  some  businessmen,  some  work  in  the
   agriculture  field  and  some  are  shopkeepers.  We  are  a  multilingual
   and  multi  religious  society  consisting  Muslims,  Christians,  and  a
   majority of Hindus.

   To  conclude,  I  love  my  hometown.  The  air,  environment,  scenery
   and everything makes me want to live there forever.

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