Page 2 - 2021 - 05 - second edition CCS InTouch - outlines_Neat
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inTOUCH is a semi-annual publication
ABC – Arn Boonstra Connections of Calvin Christian School.
Contents are copyright by CCS, Hamilton.
by Mr. A. Boonstra, Principal
WE ARE MOVING into the last Finally, the pandemic has Audrey Benjamins
two months of the school year reminded me of the pas- Susan Wikkerink
and at the time of this writing sage in Romans 5:1-5,
(mid April), our students have where it says, PHOTOGRAPHY
just transitioned back to online Ruthanne Van Voorst
learning. At Calvin Christian Therefore since we have Susan Wikkerink
School, we have dubbed our been justified by faith, PUBLICATION DESIGN
online program “Learn from we have peace with God Kathryn de Ruijter
Home.” Like many schools through our Lord Jesus
across Ontario, what we of- Christ, through whom
fer online looks a whole lot we have gained access ADVERTISING OPPORTUNITY
different than what is done in by faith into this grace in We welcome advertising in this
school. Words like “synchronous” and “asynchronous” play a which we now stand. And publication. For information visit
heavy role in trying to determine what works best for students we boast in the hope of
who are at home for a third time in the past year while we deal the glory of God. Not only If you have any questions,
with another wave of COVID-19. Needless to say, it has been a so, but we also glory in please contact us at:
challenging year. However, what strikes me is the resiliency of our sufferings, because
our staff and students. It has been nothing short of remarkable we know that suffering
how our staff and students have been able to transition to a produces perseverance;
mode of learning that has not been a part of the way that we perseverance, character; VISION Calvin Christian School’s vision
is that all God’s children are “thoroughly
have ever operated, and yet, students continue to complete and character, hope. And equipped for every good work.”
assignments, develop skills, and broaden their horizons. Our hope does not put us to 2 Timothy 3:17
teachers find ways to continue the task of “equipping to shine.” shame, because God’s
love has been poured out MISSION The mission of Calvin
Christian School is to assist parents by
For me there have been many lessons from our struggles in into our hearts through providing for each student a Bible based
dealing with the health crisis and three of them stand out. First, the Holy Spirit, who has elementary education in a supportive
for over a year our teachers have been forced to work with been given to us. Christian classroom community that nur-
each other like never before. They have relied upon each other tures growth in knowledge, maturity and
commitment to God for sharing in the life
when it comes to lesson preparation, tech concerns, and les- I find this passage incred- and work of his people in the world.
son presentations. On many occasions, teachers have com- ibly comforting. Suffering
municated to me how grateful they are for their colleagues who is the reality of the human UNITY CAMPUS
have helped them navigate complex situations. This collabora- condition, but it is not the fi- 32 Unity Side Road
Caledonia, ON N7W 1Y1
tion has resulted in the fine tuning of lessons that better meet nal condition. As a matter of
student needs, as well as the alignment of curriculum from one fact, it provides for so much WEST 5TH CAMPUS
547 West 5th Street
class to the other. more, including the gifts of Hamilton, ON L9C 3P7
perseverance, character,
Second, students have come to see the value of being in and hope. When I read the Office: 905-388-2645
school, if for no other reason than to be with their friends. list of things that suffering
We are all social beings and this pandemic has resulted in a leads us to, hope is the final
tremendous loss of that ability to socialize. Schools provide word—hope in a God who
amazing communities for our children and their social needs. cares for and loves us. COVID-19 has tested all of us. It has
I am thankful for the fact that when we are in school, our stu- stretched us beyond our limits at times, but it will not break us
dents learn social skills to help them better navigate the chal- if we don’t allow it to do that. I remain committed to a God who
lenges of life, but also to lead a more fulfilling life. Relation- provides for us, even in the midst of a health crisis few of us
ships, friendships, and community are important components could ever have predicted. At CCS, we see how our staff and
of school life that are not easily replicated outside the school students also remain committed to a God who cares for us.
building. Not only do students have the opportunity to develop
and enjoy their social skills, they have the privilege of doing Although it has been a challenging year, at CCS our staff has
so from a Christian perspective at CCS. Teachers open each spent valuable time working together to better support their
day in a time of devotion and a hallmark of those devotions is students. Our students have seen the incredible value of in
the opportunity to develop community. They do that by praying person learning, as it fosters a sense of community. Through
with and for each other. There are few better ways to love your all the turmoil, we see God’s providential care and love for us.
neighbour than to pray for them and that’s what our students Please pray for the staff and students at CCS as we wrap up
do daily. To do that in person enhances the experience of fel- this school year and as we long for a return to in person learn-
lowship and caring for one another. ing in September. May God grant all of us peace and hope!
2 inTouch June 2021