Page 6 - 2021 - 05 - second edition CCS InTouch - outlines_Neat
P. 6
Committed to Unity
What 11 crazy weeks taught
us about God’s planning
By Mr. D. Postma
APRIL 20, 2020: “Hey folks, we’re going
to postpone Unity campus construction
and open next year instead.”
June 23, 2020: “Hey folks, what are the
chances you can warp speed Unity con-
struction and open in, uh, 11 weeks?”
Each day of the 2020-2021 COVID pan-
demic has brought new challenges for the
students, parents, staff, and administration
of Calvin Christian School. From chem- and our new site in Caledonia. CCS took has been difficult, perhaps toughest on
icals to curriculum, everything changed the opportunity—utterly unique in our re- our children, but we see signs of God’s
overnight, and then changed again. gion, to our knowledge—to not just wish faithfulness everywhere. We see God’s
for reduced class sizes, but actually and kingdom advancing, even in baby steps
Through it all, we have seen unity. Uni- substantially reduce class sizes during the when we’re kept apart. In the classrooms
ty between parents and teachers, as the pandemic by moving in early to our recent- and on the buses, He is here. In the Goo-
work of instruction was shared between ly-acquired building on Unity Road. gle Meets and the carefully recorded les-
them. Unity between students and teach- son videos, He is able. In the memory
ers, who found ways to connect emotion- As a board, we felt both privilege and work, the virtual Field Day, and in gradu-
ally when digital connections were all responsibility to steward our two facili- ation, He is faithful. When everything else
they had. Unity within and between staff, ties. We shuttled our oldest two grades is changing, these truths are not.
faculty, and board. to Caledonia each day. We maximized
physical distancing and footprint. Our un- And so we move forward, committed to
But the most beautiful unity is between our believable volunteers and staff designed unity. Soon the campaign for building up
two campuses: our flagship in Hamilton and executed a safe Return to School our second campus will begin, to create
plan. The pandem- the space we envision for the newest
ic’s not over yet, but generation of Christian students, and we
CCS has suffered do so with confidence. In 11 crazy weeks
no outbreaks, and our second campus went from still to stu-
this year there were dent-ready, with our oldest students mar-
fewer than five cas- velling in their newfound space.
es among over 500
students and staff. Two years ago in this magazine, I wrote
that “the hallways of 547 West 5th burst
The swinging pen- with beauty and grace”. Soon these
dulum of on-again, sounds will lift us again, but now from
off-again lockdowns double the hallways.
6 inTouch June 2021