P. 8


          The problem for the stated case is either Dr. Wexford want to share information with the other research team or not. Based on
    the consideration of many aspect, there are many legal ways to solve the case such as they can make a negotiation or offer a
    collaboration with the other researcher. The consideration is based on the ethical code such as openness and respect for credit and
    intellectual property. Intellectual property law may be the most relevant aspect to the case. First negotiation method is when the both

    research team can achieve a win-win situation or the both teams can get the benefit when the paper is published. Other is, both of
    the teams also can cooperate and collaborate to make a new team research to publish the paper.

          Dr. Wexford also must consider her funding agency that support her research. She must renew the agreement items with the
    funding agency regarding of sharing some of the data with other research team. If the information of the research is shared without
    the consideration of the agreement with funding agency, the agency has rights to pulled out the funding. She also can be charged for
    violating the agreement and her research funding might be cancelled immediately.

          An agreement should be signed by the both research team, to make sure that all of them really understand the research purpose
    and the publication rights. Any team that did not abide the agreement shall be taken out from the research team. The chosen topic
    for the research must satisfied the both teams, and they have full access to the results of the research but they must remember,
    based on the agreement they did not have rights to share the results without the concern from the other party.

          An agreement that have been signed shall have concern from the third party also. His fellow researcher can be one of the
    witness that the agreement have been done within the two team of the researcher. This will avoid any teams to violate the rule easily
    and protect the rights of the research purpose.
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