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Top Tips                                                       December 2024

                 Ketone Test Strips
                 We have included Blood Glucose Test Strips,        The table below includes all of the current product,
                 Lancets and Pen Needles in Top Tips a few times,   pricing, discount and profitability information for all
                 but have seen the number of questions and          Ketone Test Strips.
                 requests for information on Ketone Test Strips     The below includes PI pricing which is correct at the
                 increase recently so thought it would be worthwhile   time of print, but can change without prior notice.
                 to include the Boost in this edition of Top Tips.  If you are looking to review your prescribing and
                                                                    purchasing of Ketone Test Strips, please request
                                                                    the most up to date Boost Table from your PSUK
                                                                    Account Manager.

                                                                                                          NHS    Profit
                                                                            NHS   MDS        Total    NETT
                       Supplier         Brand          Product     PIP Code            WS %             Claw-  Per
                                                                            Price  %          %    Price
                                                                                                         back   Pack
                   Nipro Diagnostics  4Sure Beta  Ketone Test Strips (10) 4083986  £9.92  0%  8.25% 8.25%  £9.10  £1.11  -£0.29
                                    Fora Advanced
                     Miller Medical              Ketone Test Strips (10) 4093290  £9.25  0%  12%  12%  £8.14  £1.03  £0.08
                                    Pro GD40
                  Abbott Diabetes Care           Ketone Test Strips (10) 3237773  £21.94  0%  6.25% 6.25% £20.57 £2.45  -£1.08
                                    Optium Beta
                         PI         FreeStyle    Ketone Test Strips (10) 8868739  £21.94  PI      £12.91  £2.45  £6.58
                                    Optium Beta - PI
                                    GlucoFix Tech
                  Menarini Diagnostics           Ketone Test Strips (10) 4238036  £9.95  0%  10%  10%  £8.96  £1.11  -£0.12
                  Menarini Diagnostics  GlucoMen Areo  Ketone Test Strips (10) 4017760  £9.95  0%  10%  10%  £8.96  £1.11  -£0.12
                                    GlucoMen Areo
                         PI                      Ketone Test Strips (10) 6775696  £9.95  PI        £8.75  £1.11  £0.09
                                    - PI
                       GlucoRx      GlucoRx HCT  Ketone Test Strips (10) 3948734  £9.95  0%  3%  3%  £9.65  £1.11  -£0.81
                       GlucoRx      GlucoRx X6   Ketone Test Strips (10) 4187043  £15.95  0%  3%  3%  £15.47  £1.78  -£1.30
                    Spirit Healthcare  KetoSens  Ketone Test Strips (10) 4034948  £9.95  0%  12%  12%  £8.76  £1.11  £0.08

                 Exclusive MDS - EM Pharma
                 We are pleased to be able to announce the launch   This is an automatic scheme, meaning the 30%
                 of another brand new and exclusive MDS from EM     rebate will be applied automatically to your VIZhyal
                 Pharma.                                            purchases through PHOENIX.
                 The new scheme launched on 1st December 2024,      As there are many schemes that offer discount on
                 offers all PSUK members a 30% MDS rebate on the    Sodium Hyaluronate Preservative-Free Eye Drops,
                 VIZhyal (Sodium Hyaluronate) range of eye drops.   we have included this information in the table
                                                                                                     NHS    Profit
                                                                        NHS   MDS        Total                 Rebate
                   Supplier     Brand            Product        PIP Code           WS %       NETT  Claw-  Per
                                                                        Price  %          %                    Cap
                                                                                              Price   back   Pack
                                            Sodium Hyaluronate 0.1% Preservative-Free Eye Drops (10ml)
                  EM Pharma  VIZhyal                            4101549  £4.10  30%  0%  30%  £2.87 £0.46  £0.77  -
                  VISUfarma  VisuXL                             4051199  £10.30  30%  0%  30%  £7.21  £1.15  £1.94  50
                  VISUfarma  Xailin Tears                       4191789  £5.10  30%  0%  30%  £3.57  £0.57  £0.96  50
                    Scope                0.1% Pres-Free Eye Drops
                   Eyecare  Hylo-Tear 0.1%  (10ml)              3472925  £8.50  15%  15%  30% £5.95  £0.95  £1.60  50
                   Eyecare  Hylo-Care                           3552999  £10.30  15%  10%  25%  £7.73  £1.15  £1.42  30
                    Galen   ClinOptic HA                        4213914  £4.15  2.5%  10%  13%  £3.63 £0.46  £0.05  -

              22     PS Magazine | MDS Terms Information                                   Buy direct online at

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