Page 3 - P4304.1-V98_PS-Magazine-June 2024 PRINT READY
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Welcome to June’s issue

               of PS magazine.

               We are almost halfway through             the coming months to ensure you
               2024 already and heading into             and your staff are up to speed with
               (hopefully) less rain and more            where those opportunities may lie.
               sun – the days of arriving in             In this month’s magazine we will be
               the dispensary in the dark and            looking at changes to the dispensing
               leaving in the dark are behind            process that can help practices work
               us as we look forward to warm             differently, reduce money tied up in
               summer evenings outside again!            stock and save time in the dispensary.

               The past few months have seen             Caroline Pond talks about stockless
               us put on a flurry of study days          dispensaries and what this may look
               that I have had the pleasure of           like in practice, and we also talk to a
               attending, meeting and talking            member that has gone live with our
               to our members about the                  Golden Tote solution.
               challenges and opportunities that         We also catch up with one of our
               they are currently facing.                longest serving employees Lois

               It really is great to see such great      Price who will de-mystify the
               attendance at these events, but           PHOENIX invoices, helping you to
               what it highlights to me is the           understand them better.
               pressure that our members are             This is as well as our usual tips
               encountering at the moment.               and information about how
               Common themes that are coming             to maximise the dispensary
               out of our conversations are the          profit through new and
               pressures on margin, increased            enhance MDS deals, and
               costs to the dispensary and               considerations around
               challenges in the practice when it        purchasing and prescribing.
               comes to retaining and recruiting         Keeping on top of the
               staff.  It is meaning that our            opportunities on branded
               members are having to look                purchasing through changes
               at things differently.  Embrace           to MDS discounts can save
               new ways of working in the                the dispensary a lot of
               dispensary, looking at prescribing        money!
               opportunities and ensure the
               dispensary team are upskilled in          I hope you enjoy this month’s
               understanding where the money             magazine and hope to see
               is made in the dispensary.  This is       many of you at the study
               why it is important that the PSUK         days and conferences we
               team and I, can provide you with          will be running in the second
               opportunities and tools to be able        half of 2024.
               to make profitable decisions for
               your dispensary.  Look out for our        Simon Coles
               conferences and study days that           Managing Director, PSUK.
               we are putting on near you over

              Registered Office: Rivington Road, Whitehouse Industrial Estate, Preston Brook, Runcorn, Cheshire, WA7 3DJ
              PSUK is a Service of PHOENIX Healthcare Distribution Limited.
              Company Registration No. 129370. VAT No. 109898228.
              This document is regularly checked and reviewed, however the information in this document is always subject to change without notice.

               or call us on 01904 558 350                                     Welcome to your issue | PS Magazine   3 3

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