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Brand Support deals Private services set up and support
Our Brand Support deals have 607 Private services allow pharmacies to diversify
products, with 52 manufacturers on revenue streams beyond traditional NHS
board, giving members £403 back in prescriptions, offering several key benefits. They
rebates. can significantly increase your income by providing
Numark own brand paid services and enhance footfall by attracting
more patients, who may also purchase additional
Our own brand range is the largest own items during their visits. Additionally, private
brand available in wholesale, offering services strengthen patient loyalty by meeting a
350 high quality and low priced broader range of healthcare needs, fostering lasting
pharmacy focused products exclusive relationships and encouraging repeat visits as well
to Numark members. By retailing as word-of-mouth referrals.
Numark branded products against the Pharmacies can diversify their services by offering
leading brands, you can increase your various private options such as health checks and
margin by up to £800 a month! screenings (blood pressure, cholesterol, glucose
Manufacturer Discounts testing, diabetes screenings, and BMI assessments)
Leveraging PHOENIX, we continually through Numark’s support, resources and discounted
negotiate competitive manufacturer
terms for our members. By taking full Vaccinations and immunizations, like flu, travel,
advantage of these discounts, members private COVID-19, and HPV vaccines, can also
can save an extra £130 each month. enhance income, potentially earning £350 a month
from five private pneumococcal vaccinations.
Travel health services, including consultations,
vaccinations, Anti-Malarial treatments, and health
kits, can bring in an average of £380 profit per
popular destination per patient.
Specialised clinics for weight management, smoking
cessation, sexual health, allergy management,
and aesthetic treatments can further increase
profitability, with private weight management
services alone offering earnings between £984 and
£1,524 per patient.
By fully utilising the benefits of your Numark
membership, you can better manage the financial
challenges posed by rising National Insurance and
National Living Wage costs. This strategic utilisation
of resources not only helps in mitigating immediate
financial pressures but also ensures long-term operational
sustainability and growth for community pharmacies.
10/01/2025 16:02:49
P4403.59-V60_Numark Pharmacy Magazine Feb 25.indd 15
P4403.59-V60_Numark Pharmacy Magazine Feb 25.indd 15 10/01/2025 16:02:49