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Summer 2025, which is not far             This is an exciting time.  Those of
                                    away, will see the first student          us who aren’t prescribers or who
                                    pharmacists graduate who will             haven’t used their prescribing
                                    register as prescribers in summer         qualification need to support,
                                    2026 meeting the 2021 GPhC                nurture and empower the next
                                    Standards for Initial Education           generation to achieve the full
                                    and Training of Pharmacists.              potential of this responsibility.
                                    When I registered in 1986 this            Don’t, however, expect the newly
                                    was a dream and I am jealous              registered pharmacist to run a
                                    of the opportunities that these           clinic or deal with that complex
                                    pharmacists will have in their            patient who no one else has been
                                    career.  No more will they make           able to help on their first day.  Their
                                    a recommendation and then get             first steps may be simple like
                                    another healthcare professional to        changing an inhaler device to one
                                    take the responsibility by signing the    the patient can use after they have
                                    prescription.                             been assessed or substituting an
                                                                              equivalent during shortages.  These
                                Their degree is preparing                     are all valid prescribing actions
                                them for “what will you                       which will build competence and
                                prescribe” not “what will                     then the prescribers can move to
                                                                              more complex scenarios as they
                                you recommend”.                               gain that all important confidence.

                                   This, however, isn’t the time for          Prescribing is an extension of
                                   jealousy: this is the time to support,     what pharmacist have always
                                   nurture and empower these                  done in caring for patients which
                                   Foundation Year Trainees and the           has evolved to Pharmacy First
                                   newly qualified pharmacists who will       and Pharmacy First Plus.  Not only
                                   take our profession forward over the       pharmacists but all other health care
                                   next 40 years.                             professionals will need to understand
                                                                              and support this change.
                                   The registrants of 2026 –
                                   the current final year student             There is a concern that those who
                                   pharmacists – are excited, enthused        have just registered and those
                                   and just a little scared by the            who will register in summer 2025
                                   responsibility they will have on their     may be left behind.  We also need
                                   first day as a registrant.  The changes    to support these pharmacists to
                                   to undergraduate education in the          complete their IP qualification as
                                   last 15 years, including experiential      soon as possible so they can take
                                   learning supported by many                 the opportunities that this offers.
                                   community pharmacy practitioners,          I could only dream of this
                                   will better equip pharmacists of           opportunity when I registered.
                                   the future for this challenge of           Seeing the reality and knowing that
                                   prescribing which enhances the roles       the graduates are ready for this is
                                   pharmacists have always had.  They         one of the best outcomes of my
                                   are well aware of “scope of practice”      career in academia.
                                   and that they need to “work within
                                   their competence” and will rise to the
                                   challenge as the experts in medicines
                                   bringing the science and practice of
                                   pharmacy together to better care
                                   for patients and the public.  The
                                   2026 registrants need a structure,
                                   including SOPs and PGDs, and the
                                   support through experiential learning
                                   and their foundation year to prepare
                                   them for this challenge.


                                                                                                                 10/01/2025   16:04:01
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