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                               06                                  12                                   18

                               Fully funded                         Navigate wage and                   Opinion piece:
                               pharmacy technician                  National Insurance                  Professor Anne
                               apprenticeships                      increases                           Boyter

               05 Monthly Roundup                  16 Numark own brand                 26 Private prescription success
                   Key awareness dates and            Summer Bundle offer                 Compliance, efficiency and
                   upcoming contractual dates.                                            customer satisfaction.

               06 Fully funded pharmacy            18 Membership Dashboard             28 Pharmacy First
                   technician apprenticeships         Your questions answered.            A year in review and how
                   exclusive for Numark members                                           Numark has supported you.
                   New Numark and Buttercups
                   Training partnership.
               08 LARCs                           20 Opinion piece                    30 Numark Assist Connect
                   A new chapter for independent      With Professor Anne Boyter.         The PMR power behind your
                   prescribers in Wales.                                                  pharmacy.

               11 Brand Support deals              22 Social media support             32 Numark Information Services
                   Are you missing out on a           Navigating the complex world        Team brings you...
                   potential £403 in rebates per      of pharmacy together.               Common Controlled Drug
                   month?                                                                 questions.
               12 Navigate wage and National       24 Numark brand                     34 Discount Partners
                   insurance increases                Fall head over heels for Numark     Your one stop shop for all our
                   Maximise your Numark               own brand.                          supplier partners.
                   membership today.

                                                                                                                 10/01/2025   16:02:19
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