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Northern Ireland

                                 NORTHERN IRELAND
                                         Electronic Care Record –

                                         what it means for you

                                         The Northern Ireland Electronic Care Record (NIECR)
                                         is being rolled out to all community pharmacists
                                         across Northern Ireland by the Strategic Planning and
                                         Performance Group (SPPG).

                                         The NIECR is a computer system that health and social care
                                         staff can use to get information about a patient’s medical
                                         history. When treating or looking after patients in hospital,
                                         you will need to know about any allergies, long term health
                                         conditions or medicine they take.
                                         In order to improve patient safety and care, the record
                                         includes details about allergies and medications which medical
                                         staff can check on the NIECR for the patients Emergency
                                         Care Summary Record and Key Information Summary Record.
                                         It is important to note that only health and social care (HSC)
                                         staff can access the NIECR for patients. Emergency Care
                                         Summary Record and an audit trail will check this. Before HSC
                                         staff can access this, the patient’s permission is required. The
                                         NIECR is only accessible on HSC's secure network.
                                         The Submission of the Data Processing Agreement to
                                         date has resulted in the creation of over 1000 pharmacist
                                         accounts, who have then been provided with individual
                                         NIECR Access Credentials. Therefore, SPPG are inviting any
                                         outstanding community pharmacies to access their secure
                                         email account, complete and return the DPA and excel
                                         spreadsheet to their local office.

                                         The Emergency Care Summary Record only includes:
                                         •  name, date of birth and gender

                                         •  address and telephone number
                                         •  current medication and any known allergies
                                         •  detailed medical notes aren't included in this record.

                                         Health care staff in Northern Ireland will also be able to consult
                                         patients Key Information Summary Record for details about their
                                         health including relevant medical history and any wishes patients
                                         may have about their treatment including end of life care.

                                                                                                                 12/06/2024   09:30:31
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