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The KIS record will include information on:
              •  relevant medical history, including any long-term conditions.

              •  agencies involved with the patients.
              •  list of care plans or self-management plans.
              •  your preferred treatment arrangements.

              •  resuscitation status.
              •  Advance Decision to Refuse Treatment (ADRT) in place.

              The NIECR privacy notice, which gives information about how
              a patient personal information is used, can be viewed at:

                                              “    The Community Pharmacy Strategic

                                                   Plan 2030 in Northern Ireland includes a
                                                   section addressing the digitisation and

                 Numark Chairman,                  connectivity of the community pharmacy
                 Harry McQuillan said              network and the services it provides. This
                                                   is a much needed development that will
                                                   also support the integration of pharmacy
                                                   professionals with other members of the
                                                   primary care multidisciplinary team and
                                                   effectively remove any real or perceived
                                                   barriers to collaborative working in the
                                                   future. The ambition to give access

                                                   to patient records and make the care
                                                   of those patients more efficient with
                                                   improved safety, through the use of
                                                   technology, can only be a good thing.
                                                   The Numark team looks forward to
                                                   helping make this ambition a reality.                      “

              To take part in this new scheme, contractors are asked to review
              the correspondence issued by SPPG on 2  May 2024 and share
              with all relevant staff members. Community pharmacies who wish
              to access NIECR are asked by SPPG to access the secure email
              account, complete and return the DPA and excel spreadsheet to the
              local office. There are some resources available on the BSO website
              to aid pharmacists in the use of NIECR. An e-learning module on
              NIECR is also available through NICPLD (under Pharmacy Practice).


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