Page 6 - P4304.1-V102_PS Magazine - Oct 24 (PRINT)
P. 6

So, what is a concession and why do we hear so much about them?
              A concession is essentially where the price of a generic suddenly
              starts to increase quickly before there has been a chance for the
              NHS prescription services to adjust the drug tariff.   So very quickly
              in a month, contractors are suddenly paying more for a generic
              then they will get back in that month’s drug tariff.

              As a short-term measure, an emergency drug tarriff will be
              introduced to try and minimise this impact – this is known as a
              price concession and is announced towards the end of the month.
              The concession is set by taking an average of the prices across a
              number of wholesalers.
              Concessions are not new – but the number
              of products that have been awarded

              concessionary status since November 2021
              have increased significantly.

              Why do we see the prices of generics rapidly increase?  This
              typically happens when demand for a product significantly
              outstrips the supply, or in other words, where there are shortages
              leaving just a few players to cover the demand for the whole
              market. This could be because generic manufacturers pull out of
              producing a molecule as it is no longer cost effective. It may also
              be due to a shortage of a key ingredient causing supply to fall
              below demand.  Alternatively it could be because the demand for a
              molecule suddenly increases in the market which can be driven by
              pricing increases and the market spot buying generics.
              The last few months have seen the number of products on
              concession remain relatively stable which can be seen in the chart
              belowbelow – but the numbers are still higher than a few years ago.

              6 6    P S M a g a z i n e |  G e n e ri c s …  P ri c i n g …  a n d        B u y d i r e c t o n l i n e a t  P S U K . co . u k
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