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"He was with us all morning, but it didn't              Overall, Sarah felt much more prepared
                feel like that because everything flowed                for future inspections after the Health
                so smoothly," she noted.                                Check. "Kieran told me that if the
                One of the standout features of                         inspector followed him in, he wouldn't
                the service was the detailed report                     be worried, and that gave me a lot of
                provided after the visit. The report ,                  confidence," she shared.
                marked with red, amber, and green                       THE EXPERIENCE ALSO HAD
                categories, helped the pharmacy                         A POSITIVE IMPACT ON THE
                prioritise necessary actions—especially
                critical as they prepared for a busy                    TEAM, PARTICULARLY THOSE
                season                                                  WHO HAD NEVER BEEN
                "KIERAN ADVISED US TO                                   THROUGH AN INSPECTION

                ADDRESS THE REDS FIRST,                                 BEFORE. "IT WAS A REALLY
                THEN MOVE ON TO THE                                     POSITIVE EXPERIENCE FOR
                AMBERS," SARAH EXPLAINED.                               THEM," SARAH CONCLUDED.

                She appreciated the inclusion of links                  Sarah highly recommends Numark's
                to relevant resources, particularly those               Regulatory Health Check service to
                on the Numark website, which helped                     other pharmacies, particularly those
                guide the necessary improvements.                       who want to be well-prepared for
                                                                        inspections and the challenges of peak
                "IT WAS GREAT TO HAVE                                   seasons.
                EVERYTHING SO CLEARLY                                   "I'D RATHER BE PREPARED
                LAID OUT, ESPECIALLY WHEN                               AND IRON OUT ANY ISSUES
                WE NEEDED TO MAKE QUICK                                 WITH SOMEONE LIKE KIERAN
                ADJUSTMENTS," SHE SAID.                                 THAN FACE THE ACTUAL

                The Health Check also led to                            INSPECTOR WITHOUT
                immediate changes in the pharmacy's
                operations. For instance, Sarah noted                   HAVING DONE SO," SHE SAID.
                that they began utilising warning
                stickers more effectively and ensured                   As you gear up for the busy season,
                that pharmacists were signing in and                    Numark's Regulatory Health Check
                out properly. "These were small things,                 can help ensure you maintain high
                but having a fresh set of eyes on the                   standards and are fully prepared for any
                situation was really helpful," she said.                official inspections.

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