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Manufacturer Discount Schemes
- 2024 Reminder the MDS changes that have happened in 2024, so
you can make any changes within your practice to
As a PSUK member, you have access to over 80 maximise on the probability of our market leading
Manufacturer Discount Schemes, which cover over MDS offerings. In 2024, we launched 7 new schemes,
1,350 products, and over half of these schemes are including AstraZeneca, Biocon Biologics and
either exclusive or have enhanced terms through Dexcom. 14 scheme had products added to them,
PSUK. The MDS Schemes we offer cover a wide including TriOn Pharma who added 31 products in
range of product types and therapy areas, including November and 51 products in August, bringing the
Eye Drops, Test Strips, Sip Feeds, Emollients, total number of products on their scheme to over
Inhalers, Wound care, and Hosiery. Now that 2024 170. There were also 12 schemes where the MDS
has come to an end, we wanted to remind you of all rebates available were increased.
New Schemes Products Added Discounts Increased Schemes Ended Product Removed Discounts Reduced
Alimera Sciences AgaMatrix AgaMatrix Accord Healthcare Dr. Falk Clinimed
Aristo Pharma Allergan Alimera Sciences Chemidex Ethypharm Evolan
Astra Zeneca Aspire Pharma Almirall Consilient Health GSK Nutricia
Biocon Biologics Dexcom Aspire Pharma Eisai Nutricia Scope Eyecare
Dexcom Essential Healthcare Gedeon Richter Norgine Reckitt Benckiser Stirling Anglian
Ego Pharma Gedeon Richter Kent Pharma Zentiva Roche Diabetes Thea Pharma
EM Pharma HARTMANN Neon Diagnostics Care
Kent Pharma Scope Eyecare Thea Pharma
Neon Diagnostics Stirling Anglian Zentiva
Scope Eyecare Thea Pharma
SunVit TriOn Pharma
Thea Pharma Wockhardt
TriOn Pharma
As you can see a lot of changes were made to the PSUK MDS proposition in 2024 and we expect 2025 to
be the same.
Each month in PS Magazine, the PSUK e-Newsletter and PSUK Top Tips, we will let you know of any MDS
changes that could impact your practice.
As ever, all the MDS terms available to you as a PSUK member are available at along with
any MDS sign-up forms that you may need.
or call us on 01904 558 350 Top Tips | PS Magazine 25
24/01/2025 13:52:15
P4304.1-V106 PSUK Feb Mag (Print Ready).indd 25
P4304.1-V106 PSUK Feb Mag (Print Ready).indd 25 24/01/2025 13:52:15