Page 28 - P4304.1-V106 PSUK Feb Mag
P. 28
Your Drug
– Understanding the detail.
By Caroline Pond
First question here; How many of you look at your Drug Statement?
I would like to think it is all of you however I am guessing not.
So, first task for you is to access such statement.
Drug Statements are available on the PCSE Online Portal for GP practices. These reports
provide crucial information about the reimbursement of prescription drugs and associated
dispensing costs.
For practices that offer dispensing services (Dispensing Doctors or Pharmacies)
the report summarises:
• Total number of prescriptions processed.
• Total payments made for the month.
• Breakdown of dispensing fees and reimbursements
• Discount value on cost of drugs (clawback)
• Details any advance payments
• Prescription charges
• VAT (PA) allowances
Drug Statements are essential for practices to reconcile payments and to enable internal
audit of profitability.
Practices typically access these reports via the PCSE Payments section and it will likely be
your Practice Manager who has access to the online portal. Once you have managed to get a
copy of a statement then read on and I will try and explain the very confusing content.
(Remember – you will be waiting for a couple of months before a statement becomes
available so you will be looking at the most recent statement being dated either December or
perhaps January when you read this article).
28 PS Magazine | Your Drug Statement
24/01/2025 13:52:24
P4304.1-V106 PSUK Feb Mag (Print Ready).indd 28
P4304.1-V106 PSUK Feb Mag (Print Ready).indd 28 24/01/2025 13:52:24