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P. 31
7. Back in the credits section – there
are dispensing fee values for each
GP listed as credits. These will be
the same values as stated in each
GPP Payments
GPs statement. The total of these
Statement Date : 23/02/2024 equals the value for Professional Fees
Contractor ID : B82050 at the beginning of the statement.
Net : £83,578.02
Invoice NHSE : £0.00 8. The VAT value in the credits section is
Credit NHSE : £0.00 the VAT paid for items classed
Invoice COM : £161,092.98
Credit COM : -£77,514.96 as personally administered by
NHSBSA. It will total a greater value
Statement : February - Mowbray House Surgery (B82050) than the items you have administered
Ref. no : 589792
in practice as it also contains VAT
Description value for items such as Insulin or
topical preparations containing
Drugs (Dispensing)
Paycode Description Source £ 9. There are values in both sections of
DRGD Dispensing GPs - Cost of Drugs COM £49,093.62 the statement for ‘advances’;
DRGDPF Dispensing GPs - Professional Fees COM £41,027.10
DRGPRX Prescription charges collected and remitted by GPs - contra COM -£6,542.70 Advance payments are made in the
month following your submission
based on the total items declared on
Quarter Payment Date: 01/03/2024
Number of Forms: 8788 your FP34 submission form. It is
Number of Prescriptions: 21414
Number of Items Referred Back/Disallowed: 9 calculated at 80% of the average
item value the month before.
Total Credits
Total: £264,130.96 The advance is then recovered as a
Paycode Description Source Unit Cost £ debit line, when the prescriptions are
DRGD Basic Prices COM £140,547.69
DRGDPF On Cost COM 0.00 £0.00 processed and any overpayment
DRGDPF Additions COM 0.00 £0.00
DRGDPF Dispensing Fees COM 185.30 £7,311.94 recovered. This allows for a cash flow
DRGDPF Dispensing Fees COM 189.20 £8,387.24 necessary for running the business.
DRGDPF Dispensing Fees COM 190.80 £9,623.95
DRGDPF Dispensing Fees COM 201.70 £1,385.68
DRGDPF Dispensing Fees COM 207.40 £972.70
DRGDPF Dispensing Fees COM 196.80 £3,575.86
DRGDPF Dispensing Fees COM 204.40 £1,091.50 10. Also detailed in the debit section
DRGDPF Dispensing Fees COM 194.70 £3,897.90 of the statement are the fees for
DRGDPF Dispensing Fees COM 192.60 £4,780.33
DRGDPF Container Allowance COM £0.00 paid prescriptions per GP, the total
DRGDPF Oxygen, Basic Prices COM £0.00
DRGDPF Oxygen, Rents & Fees COM £0.00 of which you have already seen
DRGD VAT COM £3,985.45
DRGD Adjustments for Description COM £0.00 in the statement headlines.
DRGD Advances for Prescriptons COM 0.00 £0.00
DRGD Advances for Prescriptons COM 13023.00 £78,570.72
DRGD Interim Payment Amount COM £0.00
Figure 2
Total Debits
Total: £180,552.94
Paycode Description Source Unit Cost £
DRGD Discount COM 11.18 £15,713.24
Advance No. Charges Item 675.00 £0.00
Amt Elastic Hosiery 0.00 £0.00
Amt Current Charge Rate 14.00 £135.10
Amt Current Charge Rate 101.00 £974.65
Amt Current Charge Rate 114.00 £1,100.10
Amt Current Charge Rate 6.00 £57.90
Amt Current Charge Rate 36.00 £347.40
Amt Current Charge Rate 58.00 £559.70
Amt Current Charge Rate 10.00 £96.50
Amt Current Charge Rate 12.00 £231.60
Amt Current Charge Rate 15.00 £144.75
Amt Current Charge Rate 51.00 £492.15
Amt Current Charge Rate 57.00 £550.05
Amt Current Charge Rate 26.00 £250.90
Amt Current Charge Rate 50.00 £482.50
Amt Current Charge Rate 53.00 £511.45 I hope this road map to your
Amt Current Charge Rate 63.00 £607.95
Amt Prev Charge Rate 0.00 £0.00 statement has made it easier
DRGD Adjustmenst for Description COM £0.00
DRGD Advance Recover for COM £158,297.00 to navigate and to utilise the
DRGD Previous Interim Amount COM £0.00
important data it contains. All that
remains is for you to create simple
management accounts for the month
344451 - CLAYDON H
GP Code: 344451 and hey presto, you have a financial
Employee PM:
Month of Claim: 12/2023
CTP Payment Date: 01/03/2024 management tool that should give
Prescribing/Dispensing (P/D): D
Number of Forms: 679 you a good idea of how the business
Number of Prescriptions: 1683
is performing month by month.
Your Drug Statement | PS Magazine 3 1
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