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Marketing tools Patient Group Directions
Getting the word out could be the key to The Weight Management Service is offered
ensuring patients choose your pharmacy over via a private Patient Group Direction
the competition. Expand your online reach (PGD) which requires the patient to have
with our Discount Partners supplier EBY, a consultation with a PGD authorised
who offer customisable website templates pharmacist in order to obtain the prescription.
that come loaded with features to create a Working in partnership with our Discount
professional, user-friendly, and search engine- Partners provider Pharmadoctor, you have
optimised site. An online presence is crucial access to a range of private PGDs included in
for showcasing who you are and the services their Weight Management eTool – including:
you provide. • Mounjaro® • Wegovy®
Not only will this enhance your visibility to • Mysimba® • Xenical®
potential patients, but the website package
also integrates seamlessly with the Numark
Service Booking Platform, allowing patients Save 10% discount on the
to book services directly through your site for standard cost of PGDs.
a smoother booking experience. To discover
more about EBY’s website package, head to Preparing your team We have set up bespoke Pharmacy Excellence
Don’t forget to promote within your pharmacy! and Counter Excellence training modules
We’ve created various POS materials to help for our members to provide background
you advertise your services to patients. Many information on how to support patients,
customers may not be aware of the range taking into account dietary and lifestyle
of services you offer, so a simple poster in advice. Our Pharmacy Excellence module
your window or a shelf talker next to your also provides an overview of licenced
weight management OTC products can spark pharmacological treatment options and
important conversations. things to consider when launching a weight
management service.
Take a look at the POS available by Access the Numark Training platform at
accessing the Resource Centre at the
top of the NumarkNet homepage and
selecting ‘services’.
Our Pharmacy Excellence
modules can also contribute
Thanks to our new print Discount Partners towards your CPD!
supplier, Footprint South, printing these
resources is a breeze with their online request Fine tune your operational set-up
platform. Get yours printed by visiting www. Customers want a seamless service from booking, to consultation, to follow up.
Lilly’s Mounjaro We have everything you need from an
Lilly's newest offering, Mounjaro, is the operational point of view to help you set up
latest weight loss injection hitting the your Weight Management Service, ensuring
market, designed to help pharmacies meet all staff are aware of their responsibilities and
growing patient demand without availability to ensure a smooth, efficient service for your
restrictions. Currently, the 2.5mg and 5mg customers.
strengths are available, with additional Our Service Support Pack includes everything
strengths expected to launch. from an implementation checklist to the
customer journey, and top tips and FAQs.
We’re excited to partner with Lilly to provide Don’t miss out, the profit on this one has huge
Mounjaro through our PHOENIX distribution potential!
services, ensuring our members can access it
via a DtP distribution model.
You can order Mounjaro via your usual ordeing Everything you need to set up
route, PMR, My-PIN or PHOENIX customer a successful and profitable
services. Weight Management Service
can be found on our dedicated
support page at numarknet.
10/12/2024 09:21:28
P4403.59-V59_Numark Pharmacy Magazine Jan 25 PRINT.indd 12
P4403.59-V59_Numark Pharmacy Magazine Jan 25 PRINT.indd 12 10/12/2024 09:21:28