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Over the last year, 16% of community                  A team’s worth of experience that’s
              pharmacy inspections resulted in standards            got your back:
              not being met, and 57% of these were with
              our own Numark members. Sound familiar?               Our Regulatory Health Check advisers bring
              We get it – it’s a lot to juggle. And in a world      years of community pharmacy experience.
              where “losing track” is practically a job hazard,     Led by a GPhC-registered technician and
              we focus on what matters most, as another             supported by NVQ2-qualified team members,
              member said:                                          they have between 3–6 years of experience
                                                                    each and know the standards for registered
                                                                    pharmacies inside out. They’ll provide advice
                        THERE’S SO MUCH                             and practical guidance designed to keep your
                        PAPERWORK IN                                pharmacy compliant and inspection-ready.
               A PHARMACY, AND IT’S                                 No surprises, just clear guidance:
               EASY TO LOSE TRACK.                                  With everything laid out in a straightforward

               THE REGULATORY                                       way, our Health Check service lets you adjust
                                                                    exactly where needed. Another member
               HEALTH CHECK HELPED                                  summed it up best:
               PINPOINT THE KEY
               DOCUMENTS THAT                                                IT WAS GREAT TO
               REALLY MATTER DURING                                          HAVE EVERYTHING
               AN INSPECTION, SAVING                                SO CLEARLY LAID OUT,

               US FROM DEALING WITH                                 ESPECIALLY WHEN WE NEEDED
               UNNECESSARY CLUTTER                                  TO MAKE ADJUSTMENTS.

               CHRIS HOLMES OF MEDICENTRE                           SARAH- PHARMACY MANAGER AT
               CHEMISTS JESMOND                                     SCARBOROUGH ASTON PHARMACY

              Our Health Check is like your personal guide
              to staying inspection-ready and regulation-                                 Ready to take the
              friendly, giving you the peace of mind that                              stress out of your next
              you’re covered.                                                                 inspection?

              Iinstead of scrambling to keep up, let our                                 Scan the QR code below to
              Regulatory Health Check be your guide. Here’s                             book your Regulatory Health
                                                                                         Check or visit our website
              how it works:                                                                       directly.
              •  Bespoke support: Get straight-to-the-
                  point feedback on your pharmacy’s
                  compliance, with personalised support to
                  improve any red-flag areas before they
                  become real problems.
              •  Guidance you can use: Our team helps
                  you make sense of exactly what’s needed
                  to meet the latest standards – no jargon,
                  no nonsense.

                                                                                       SCAN ME


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